sábado, 11 de abril de 2009

El futuro del periódico es sin papel

Esta entrada la publiqué en octubre de 2008 un blog interno que compartíamos los directores mundiales de Metro. Está en inglés. Hablo de los nuevos instrumentos electrónicos para leer periódicos y lo titulo "El futuro de los periódicos de papel es sin papel".

Cuando propuse a los directivos de Metro International pensar en estos aparatos y cómo podíamos adaptarnos a ellos, me dijeron que me olvidara de esas tonterías y que me dedicara a competir con 20 Minutos. Por lo menos, dejé constancia de ello. No sé si acertaré o me equivocaré. Por si acaso, lo dejo aquí.

Wednesday, 10 September 2008

The future of Newspaper is no paper

Hi guys, I want to show you something. The first one is the new device of PlasticLogic, an american company that has developped a revolutionary plastic display where you can see papers, documents, magazines and even write on the screen. The screen uses electronic ink, visible in darkness or sunny days.
This device has no name, but it will turn upside down the world of papers as we know actually.
The size is the same as the cover of Fortune magazine. It's really robust because it resists the impact of your shoe on the screen. May be we will see on action in buses, metros and commuters sooner than we think.
See the video in www.plasticlogic.com

Another thing: Esquire magazine launched a ¡n issue to celebrate 75th anniversary, in which the cover is an electronic ink cover. The images are moving. Ideal for our comercial guys but also for editorial purposes.

My reflection: iPhones, Kindles and other eBooks, electronic ink devices... I think Metro has to prepare for this coming days. We have to work side by side with these industries to be the first paper to transform its way of living. Don't know how. Have we to forget paper and just create contents for e-readers? Could we use both?
See video in blog.wired.com/gadgets/2008/09/video-esquire-e.htm

Both devices are only the beginning of a revolution. I imagine a future with flexible e ink devices, easy to keep in the pocket.

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